11. Handball-EC 2016 in Berlin
16. Mai 2016

European Championship Ceremonious Opening

Finally the time has come. On Monday morning the 11th European Deaf Handball Championship was ceremonially opened. Till Saturday the seven best nations will fight for the European crown. From now on tension, thrill and of course emotion will be the daily companions of each player.

Opening ceremony

Particularly Bob Hanning, DHB Vize President and patron of the event is looking forward to the matches: “I’m really excited about what will happen. That’s because I’m here. I want ot see what we may learn from the deaf players.” For Hanning it is the second EC this year after the triumph of the hearing team in Poland at the beginning of the year.

Secretly he hopes for the next great success in Berlin. But all teams show high motivation and everybody will not give less than everything to get the title. You find the video report about the opening ceremony here

Text by hauptstadtsport.tv,
translated by Anne Köster

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